Intraocular Lens Implants (IOL)
Intraocular lens implants (IOL) are inserted in place of the natural lens of the eye that is removed during surgery. These lenses direct light to a focal point at the back of the eye, which enables you to see an image clearly. There are many different lens options available to patients. VICTORIA EYE offers a variety of lenses to best fit your visual needs. All lenses that VICTORIA EYE surgeons offer are soft, foldable lenses which require a minimal incision for insertion.
Below is a brief description of the lenses VICTORIA EYE offers.
Monofocal IOL
The monofocal lens is designed to offer the patient the highest quality vision at one focal point. This means that after the surgery you may require glasses for either distance or near and astigmatism.
Toric Monofocal IOL
This lens provides the highest quality of vision at one focal point and has the ability to correct for astigmatism. Many patients with astigmatism require this additional correction in order to see images clearly. You may require glasses for either near or distance vision after the surgery.
Extended Range IOL
The extended range lens is designed to provide the ability to focus at near, intermediate and distance. This lens may make you less dependent on glasses for daily activities. The Extended Range is the latest technology to help treat presbyopia. The Extended Range IOL does not cause halos or glare around lights compared to traditional multifocal lenses.
Toric Multifocal IOL
This lens is designed to provide the ability to focus at near, intermediate and distance, as well as, the ability to correct for astigmatism making vision crisp and clear for patients with astigmatism. This lens may make you less dependent on glasses for daily activities.
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